Hey there! I’m Ariel

I often get asked how and when I got into art. I have been an artist since I was a kid, big enough to hold paper and a crayon. That puts the count over 20 years.

I am a self-taught acrylic painter for as long as I can remember. I would go through books, showing me how to create characters like Winnie the Pooh or Mulan and freehand then paint them. I would try to create my own original work along side that, determined to find my “style” only to realize that my style would come to me as I advanced my skills.

I have always loved trying new mediums, building castles for frogs with the recycling, coloring with anything I was gifted. As I got older, I had more opportunities to try mediums that are harder to work with from home. After 3 years of ceramics in high school, I found a love for sculpting and dragons.

My formidable college years forced a break from my art for the most part after high school. I didn’t have time between classes to focus on anything but school, up until my last semester. I took an introduction to glass blowing class that opened my eyes up to the glass art world. I was inspired again. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture in 2021. I still find inspiration in my designs from those years and appreciate the knowledge I received from the hard work I put into my courses.

Though I have come to realize architecture isn’t the right career path for me, I am diving head first back into my passion, sharing my art in ways I never could have expected. This website, Art Micetro as a business, is the next step in that process.

Join me as I figure out my place in the art world! Perhaps you want to check out a live stream on Twitch, where you can learn even more about me and chat in real time, often while I work on art.